Sunday, September 16, 2007

Trouble in Paradise

Our friend the Weaver Bird from our last blog entry built what we thought was a lovely nest but the Girl Weaver Bird did not approve.

While eating breakfast on the patio yesterday, we watched the Girl Weaver Bird totally tear apart the nest that the Boy Weaver Bird spent the past couple of weeks building. It would have made a fabulous picture story but we have realized that we just don't have the patience for photographing birds. It was quite entertaining.

This is what is left of the nest today:

For those of you who would like to see good pictures of weaver birds, check out Wikipedia:

And here's a link to a video on YouTube that shows a weaver nest being built:

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Spring in Botswana!

And so finally, after a long, cold winter, spring has come to Botswana. For most of our readership which is in the northern hemisphere we should remind you that Botswana is in the southern hemisphere so our seasons are opposite of those in the northeren hemisphere. Also on most days in the winter the temperature will get into the 70's (Farenheit) during the day and will be in the 40's over night.
So without further explanation. Here are some signs of spring....
Flowers are blooming...

This strange orange flower (above) started blooming a few days ago.

Even stranger orange flowers (above and below). We have no idea what these are.

Lizards are back...where do they go when it's cold????

And here's a Weaver Bird that is tearing apart this plant The bird is dead center in the picture ripping strips off the palm frond.

And weaving a nest in this tree. (the nest is in the center of the tree hanging from the branch)

Temps are hitting the 90s during the afternoon but falling into the 50s at night. Last week we were still hitting the 40s at night so we're definitely on a warming trend. We even had rain one day last week.

We couldn't figure out what the noise was and had to go outside and experience this weird water falling from the sky.

It's a lovely time of year.